01 October 2008

Table 51

In our haste to get out the door I had forgotten to pack the camping chairs. This is not a necessity, but is quite convenient, unless you have a strong desire to sit in the dirt. So, upon our arrival, we were quite relieved to see table #51. It was a nice distance from the fire pit to avoid smoke and there was ample space for camping supplies on its surface. It was exactly what we needed.

Throughout many stays at state parks around our country, I have noticed a decline in the basic care of the state park systems. One source of this issue is funding cutbacks. That leads me into a complaint I have pertaining to the Illinois State Park system. Governor Rod Blagojevich has decided to follow the example of crooked dealings and poor choices laid out for him by previous governors in his call to close state parks around Illinois.

One such park, Kickapoo State Park, is actually bringing in enough money to be entirely self-supported, but is still getting the ax due to dirty politics and irrational thought. The plan, as laid out by the governor's office, is to close the parks, build road blocks at the entrances and have policemen patrol the area. All of this would, ironically enough, cost more than keeping the parks open. Way to go, Rod!

So next time you visit a state park, be sure to take care of it and express your thanks for its existence. Or, if you are not a regular park visitor, head out and see what they have to offer. I think it will be worth you time.

This was taken at Montgomery Bell State Park in Tennessee after a blissful night's sleep under the stars. Thank goodness the Tennessee state government sees fit to waste valuable tax dollars on parks and picnic tables.

Table 51, Montgomery Bell State Park, TN

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