13 August 2008

Shining Brightly

I felt like it would be a good idea for vacation. A photo assignment each day. So I asked my wife to give me a daily word to capture with an image. Even though it only lasted for two days, I did get one good image out of the experience. Today happened to be 'light'. That seemed easy enough. There was light all around me. And simply put, photography is the manipulation and proper use of light. Everything in photography involves the use of light.

So as my wife's family and I set out to hike through the forest surrounding Gatlinburg, TN, I underestimated the task that lay before me. Sure I could take a picture of 'light', but I wanted something that would pop. So as I walked through the boreal wonderland of Eastern Tennessee, I focused on the light around me more than the beauty. Then I saw it. A single ray of light shooting through the canopy falling on a lone leaf.

The others, being anxious to move down the trail, left to me my own schedule to get the photo I wanted. Even after I snapped the picture, I wasn't sure the image would be that great. But after viewing it on the playback screen, I knew there were definite possibilities. As a side note, I know there are some photographers who are die-hard film users, but I admit, the benefits of digital photography have made me a believer.

The thing that still strikes me about the situation, was not that the surroundings were so dark, but that the leaf was shining so brightly. Because of the direct sunlight, everything else paled in comparison.

VR Nikkor 70-200mm, 200mm, f/2.8

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