23 August 2008


There is a chill that settles over Texas in the beginning of fall. It doesn't last long. But each day, there is a window, starting late at night and ending early in the morning where the temperature has dropped several degrees and you are reminded that the blazing summer does actually have an ending. It is as if this little glimpse into cooler weather is the testimony to the 'winter' to come. (Although in my opinion, it is more like an extended fall than anything else)

I enjoy this time of the year mainly because I like the changing of the seasons. I grew up in Illinois where we get all four seasons and I have become kind of spoiled in that sense. So it was a little difficult for me to get about 3 1/2 seasons while I lived in Dallas, TX for two years. So, in my opinion, the best way to experience the change of seasons is by waking up in it.

The plus with Texas in the fall is that it does not rain nearly as much as it does in the Spring. So my wife and I were free to sleep without the rain fly on our tent and enjoyed a beautiful, clear night sky as we drifted off into slumber while camping one night. As the sun rose the next morning and the yelling of the teenagers from the next campsite had blissfully died away, we awoke snuggled in our bags and enjoying the little sounds being made by the wind and the birds.

We emerged from our tents, looking over the pristine lake, catching the glare of the orange morning sun. Not many words were spoken. There was simply a silent understanding between the two of us that this morning was a nice repose from the Texas heat and we were happy to be experiencing it, instead of waking up in our apartment, oblivious to the crisp morning air.

Sunrise, Lake Mineral Wells Texas State Park

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